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Timothy and I enjoyed a wonderful weekend on Galveston Island. We went to Moody Gardens to visit the Rain Forest Exhibit, the Aquarium and the IMax. We got to see a ton of parrots, sharks, and our favorite- PENGUINS! We also got to see the Gulf of Mexico! We had so much fun, we really didn’t want to leave.

One reason we went to Galveston was for some R&R.  So we stayed at a beautiful B&B. We really enjoyed our stay at Avenue O. Connie, the owner was so nice and made an awesome breakfast. It was better than any restaurant.  Not only that, but the rooms are amazing! We stayed in the Rain forest room that had a very cool jacuzzi and a super comfy bed! Check out their website for more info, we highly recommend Avenue O B&B.

Pictures from Moody Gardens, The Gulf of Mexico and Avenue O Bed & Breakfast.

APRIL 22, Earth Day!

(And Happy Birthday AJ! The big 3-0!)

5 Easy ways to be more eco friendly (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle!):

1. Reusable Water bottle
2. Reusable shopping bags.
3. Buy Local! Get your tomatoes from your neighbor, not from California!
4. Eat one vegetarian meal a week. Get your energy straight from the source.
5. Unplug cell phone chargers when not in use.

5 Easy ways to be Cruelty-Free (Be thoughtful when shopping):

1. Buy cage free eggs (They are only like .50 more.)
2. Buy Free range meat
3. Eat one vegetarian meal a week or more!
4. Drink Soy milk
5. Buy products not tested on animal (7th Generation cleaning supplies)

5 Easy and Awesome Vegetarian Meals We Love (okay, 6. We have too many):

1. Veggie Lasagna
2. Macaroni and Cheese
3. Vegetable Stir fry with rice
4. Lentil Soup with fresh bread
5. Portabella with Feta Pizza
6. Vegetable Enchiladas (stuffed with onions, peppers and Ground meatless-burger)