You are currently browsing the monthly archive for December 2015.

Dear Family and Friends!

We hope you had a wonderful Chanukkah &/or Christmas, and that you will have a very Happy New Year!

We had a nice and quiet Christmas here in England. The weather in England has been unseasonably mild, but we are not complaining! Timothy has gotten to work from home this Christmas/New Year’s week, so we are just relaxing and getting odds/ends done for when little Evie comes!

2015 was another exciting year for us. We moved from Israel to England. Timothy has been having an awesome time at his new job. He is working with such awesome people, and on so many cool projects! When Timothy is not working (and sometimes when he is), we traveled!! Not surprising right?!?! This year we went to Israel (for a wedding) & Jordan in May, France (ICML Conference) in June, California (Google HQ) in August, Southern England (Tim’s B-Day) in September, and Northern England (Our Babymoon) in October! Not to mention the entire time we were traveling, little Evie was with us!  (We found out shortly after our trip to Israel/Jordan.)

2016 is going to be such an exciting year. We have our hospital bags packed and ready for when Ms. Evelyn decides to join us. But other than that, we are not sure what to expect! (The story of our lives!)

So far on our 2016 agenda, Timothy will have a few weeks of Paternity leave. We are looking forward to quality time as a new family. Timothy hopes to attend a couple of conferences that happen to be in some pretty cool places. Our parents are planning to visit us in England, and we are planning a trip to the States as well. But life/work always throws a few curve balls our way, so who knows where and what 2016 has in store for us.

We really hope you had a wonderful 2015 and an even better 2016!


36 weeks... 9 Months!!

36 weeks… 9 Months!!

We have just hit the 36 week mark! 9 months! Let me say that again, 9 MONTHS! We are so close to meeting Miss Evie-D, only 4 more weeks. Since we are getting so close, I wanted to see what the grandparents predictions were! I’m hoping she will come just a tiny bit early, mainly because I’m so excited and I’m not very patient! But the grandparents think she will be a little late.

So far, everything in my pregnancy has been pretty normal, which we are very thankful for. We have completed our NCT (National Childbirth Trust) Antenatal courses. We were really happy we took the course. We got to meet 5 other couples who are due in January and live in the area. We also learned more about what childbirth is like in the UK (very different than the US). If all goes well, Evie will be delivered by midwifes and I could be home as soon as 6 hours after giving birth! Also, we learned about pain management, the stages of labor, breast feeding, and the first few days at home. So far, we feel pretty confident about everything.

Now on to predictions…

The questions asked:

  1. What day do you think she will come? (Official due date January 17)
  2. Weight? & Height?
  3. Eye color?
  4. Will she have hair? If so, what color?
Mama Laura & Daddy Timothy
  1. January 10 vs. January 19
  2. 7lb 4oz, 19 1/2 in long vs. 7lb 4oz, 18in long
  3. Hazel vs. Brown
  4. Yes- Brown vs. Yes-Black

Grandpa Mark

  1. January 24
  2. 8lbs and 20 in long
  3. Brown
  4. No, eventually brown.

Pap-pap Randy & Grandma Bonnie

  1. January 21 vs. January 25
  2. 7 lbs 9oz, 21in long vs. 8 lbs 5 oz 21 in long
  3. Brown vs. Brown
  4. Yes-dark vs. Yes-dark

Additional Predictions from Grandpa Randy:
Will she be the cutest? Yes
Will she be average or above average intelligence?  genius
Will she prefer windows or Linux? Sorry dumb question. ..of course Linux
Will she use Apple or Android? Sorry again …Android.
Will she like pink? I hope so …based on what she is getting for Christmas.